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Goodnight Mister Tom

10 June 2022–18 June 2022

Company of Ten

Main Stage


September 1939. William Beech, a young boy from an unhappy background, is evacuated to live with reclusive widower, Tom Oakley. The relationship is difficult at first, but gradually the unlikely pair form a warm, devoted attachment. Will makes friends, including Zach, another evacuee, and finds happiness for the first time, until he is summoned back to war-torn London by his abusive mother.

Please note that the Thursday evening performance is socially distanced. Your seats will be allocated automatically ensuring that you are socially distanced from other customers with a gap of one seat. You may indicate whether you prefer to sit at the front (rows A to D), the middle (rows E to H), or the rear (rows J to M) of the auditorium. For all the other performances you may choose your own seats.

Ticket information

Dates and times
Friday 10–Saturday 11 June, 8:00pm
Sunday 12 June, 2:30pm
Tuesday 14 June–Saturday 18 June, 8:00pm

Tickets £13
Concessions £12

Credits & acknowledgements

Adapted by David Wood from the novel by Michelle Magorian
On the:
Main Stage
Produced by:
Company of Ten

This amateur production of “Goodnight Mister Tom” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd on behalf of Samuel French Ltd.

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